Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Treatment DONE.

One of my "rules" about having a blog was that I would not be fake and make my life seem perfect. There have been so many blogs that I have read where everything seems perfect. While I understand there's not need to hang your dirty laundry on the internet, I want to be real. Things in my life are not glamorous. Things are hard. There are many different feelings and emotions that come along with doing chemo.

May 2 was my first treatment. I decided to try something called the penguin cap. This is a cap that goes over your head while you are doing chemo to freeze the hair follicles in hopes that your hair won't fall out. Sounds pretty great right?! Well let's just talk about this cap. it's -32 degrees and needs to be worn 1 hour before infusion, during infusion, and 4 hours after infusion. Can we talk about COLD and painful. While you are on the chemo, you must wash your hair only 2 times a week in cold water, no blow dryers, no straighteners,no curling irons, no elastic rubber bands to put your hair up, and no hats. I call myself, Frizz. Maybe it will save my hair, maybe not, but it's worth a try!

The Gulbrandsens came up to help me with the cap for the first time. Karen Gulbrandsen has been one of my sweetest tender mercies. She has just recently ended her treatment and has been such an inspiration to me. Having them come up was so helpful, and it has touched me so deeply.

Rob, my mom, Julie, Austin, and the Gulbrandsens were all there to help with my first treatment. I started with the two targeted chemos which don't make me sick because they only target the cancer cells. When the nurse came in to start "the real" chemo I was so scared. Not only scared, terrified. My life was about to change and there was nothing I could do about it. I have cancer and this is my life now.  I started crying and begging her not to put it in. I looked around the room, and everyone was crying. Rob grabbed my hand, told me he loved me and there it went. Karen crawled in bed with me repeating over and over, "I can do all things in Christ which strengthen me." If you keep saying it, you'll really start to believe it!

The next week was pretty awful. It's a feeling that cannot be explained. My body felt like I had been hit by a car. I had no energy. NONE. I tried to be super girl the next day and head to Target to return some wedding gifts. I thought I was going to die. I laid down on the desk next to the registry and fell right asleep! I know now, I am not super girl. You can imagine the frustration in being newly married and just wanting to be a wife! I felt like the worst wife in the world. I didn't leave my bed for a week. Of course Rob would never complain, but it was my own demons that made me feel that way. Towards the end of the week I was able to go on a walk by myself. I walked around the neighborhood and cried because I just wanted to be a wife, I just wanted to be able to have a baby. Chemo can cause infertility and that day I had hit my breaking point. I cried to the Lord and expressed how much I just wanted to be a wife and mom… While I did not feel like a baby was coming my way soon, I felt so strongly that the Lord loved me. That this was my plan whatever it may be. He has given me Rob, which has been the biggest blessing of my life. The Lord's love was enough to make me feel better. Knowing he loved me, and understanding the atonement on a completely different level I knew all things would give me experience and be for my good. I will never be the same after all of this. I have already learned things I never would have. I am so grateful for the peace and comfort our Savior can give to each of us.

Got Myself a Husband!

I HAVE A HUSBAND! And it is the greatest thing in the world. Robbie has exceeded all expectations. He is unbelievably supportive and wonderful in every way.

My mother-in-law planned the most beautiful wedding dinner. It was so fun to share that night with close friends and family. Robbie and I felt so blessed for all the support we felt. Thank you to everyone who came! We love you!

We got married April 18, 2014 and the day was PERFECT. I never wanted to be one of those girls who annoyingly reminisced about my wedding day for AGES, but I have a feeling that's going to be me. Our sealing was so beautiful. It was my favorite part of the whole day! Robbie and I got to sit together in the celestial room for a few minutes before we got sealed and I have never felt so much PURE JOY in my life. We talked about our dating life and those ups and downs… How far we had come. We talked about what had taken place already. We talked about what is to come.
We had the opportunity to talk to Elder Holland for a moment before our sealing. He kissed me in the cheek and told me I was a beautiful bride and Rob and I could be the cover for the church news. We then got to walk into the celestial room with all of our family and close friends. MY HEART could have burst. I looked around that room and gratitude overwhelmed me. It was the happiest I had ever been. Elder Holland gave a beautiful sealing. I will always remember the feeling in that room. I am so very blessed to be sealed to the best person I know. I love him more everyday.

After the wedding we had the opportunity to take off to Hawaii for a week! Needless to say, it was AMAZING. We loved every second. I loved having Rob all to myself. He promised me no work on the honeymoon and he kept his promise. We laid out, slept in, got a massage, went zip lining, took a boat around Napoli coast, and went hiking. We had the best time!

We went from Hawaii to Arizona for our wedding reception there! That was beautiful as well! It was a relaxing night and so good to see familiar faces! A big thank you to all who made our day so very special!

**Wedding pictures to come!!